Tuesday, 26 June 2012

The Virgin Suicides

So, I've just finished reading The Virgin Suicides and I absolutely love it. It is an enthralling book that I can't put down - I read it in three days which is a really short period of time for me, I'm such a lazy and slow reader -. It's that perfect book to read in those warm and lazy summer days, under a shady tree while eating some cherries. I just felt the need to share that. 
I really enjoyed the film too, the aesthetic and all, so I'm just leaving you some stills. 

I know, too many pics, but it's always hard for me to make choices, they're all from weheartit

Song for the day: Air - Playground Love (from The Virgin Suicides soundtrack)



  1. El libro es una pasada, yo también tardé unos 4 o 5 días solamente en leerlo, desde que empieza estás intrigada por conocer más sobre las chicas Lisbon. Y Sofia Coppola no lo podría haber adaptado mejor, creo que capturó genialmente la atmósfera que desprende el libro, es como si te transportase a ese barrio, a esa época (L)

    Geniales las fotos ^^

  2. Me encanta mucho este blog, en serio, te sigo si o si (;
